Eucharistic Adoration
What is Eucharistic Adoration?
Eucharistic adoration is a form of Catholic prayer in which we adore Jesus Christ’s physical presence in the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Sacrament refers to the real and substantial presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, His actual body and blood under the appearance of bread and wine.
More simply, Eucharistic adoration is spending time with Jesus truly in person with Him. It involves watching, praying, and remaining in awe of His Presence. Adoring Christ allows us to open ourselves to His graces, drawing us closer to Him and transforming our lives.
Eucharistic Adoration can be done in any Catholic church or adoration chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is either:
- Made present on the altar at every Celebration of the Mass (Hint: Listen for the bells during the Mass)
- Reserved in the Tabernacle (Hint: Look for a lit, red sanctuary candle lamp to know He is Present in the Tabernacle)
- Exposed in a Monstrance on the altar at specific times, or perpetually, for personal and communal prayer.
Jesus desires our attendance during Eucharistic Adoration not for our prayers alone, but because He wants to shower us with His Graces. Just as we feel the warmth of the sun's rays, being in the presence of Jesus exposes us to the power of His Love. His Love changes us.
Want to hit the mute button on the noise of life?
Do you seek rest from life’s demands?
Do you desire to be who God created you to be?
“This is my Body which is given for you” – Luke 22:19
Jesus waits for YOU!
Ascension has specific times during the week when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the Altar for personal prayer in the Little Church. (Our beautiful campus has two churches! The Adoration Apostolate schedules adoration commitments in the Little Church. See our Campus Map)
Our Lord, when exposed on the altar, is never to be left alone. Can you pray with us? Adorers are needed for regular hourly commitments (or holy hours) and/or as substitutes when scheduled adorers are unavailable. Join us in the Little Church weekly, monthly or whatever works for your schedule!
Ascension utilizes We Adore Him, the premier scheduling tool for Eucharistic Adoration. It simplifies the process of scheduling, requesting substitutes, and maintaining communication with our devoted adorers. With We Adore Him, canceling a commitment or finding a substitute is easy, so please join our wonderful group and your life will be changed!
"Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians
and you will see what miracles are."- St. John Bosco
Explore the adoration schedule here.
Have questions about Eucharistic Adoration, We Adore Him, or want to get involved with the Adoration Apostolate? Reach out to the Adoration Administrator at or via the We Adore Him automated phone system by calling (636) 736-6769 and then press 0 to talk to an admin or coordinator.
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