Communications Request

Our Parish is an ever-growing, vibrant community. Our parish life consists of more than 70 ministries, groups, and organizations each with their own activities, programs, and events to be promoted and celebrated.

We have a Communications Request Form to provide a streamlined request process for staff, councils, committees, and ministry leaders to promote and publicize their events and meetings.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions are limited to parishioners, staff, and entities/organizations affiliated with the Archdiocese. Submissions outside of this will be considered on a case-by-case basis with approval from the pastor.

The bulletin submission deadline is 8:30am the MONDAY BEFORE THE BULLETIN IS SET TO PUBLISH. 

Requests must have the location reservation approved through the Parish Office (if applicable) prior to this communication request submission. This form is not a facility reservation request. In order to reserve parish facility space, please email

Take note that due to limited space and the high volume of requests, submissions may require editing and not all requests will be granted. We cannot meet all frequency requests. The Parish Office will make final decisions on what, when, and how often an item is published.

The information you provide may be published at our discretion in any or all of our advertising mediums such as our bulletin, website, social media, etc.

Go through the checklist at the bottom of this page to make sure all important details are included before submitting. Submissions without valid contact info will not be accepted.

Clergy approve completed bulletins before it is sent to print.

Fill out my online form.


  • If a room/location at Ascension is needed for your event, did you already obtain prior approval through the parish office?  If not, then do NOT submit this form until you have a location approved. Email
  • Did you include the following in the Description?
    • Date
    • Beginning and Ending Times
    • Location 
    • If it's a recurring event, did you include the details?
      • Examples:  1st and 3rd Mondays Monthly; Sundays Weekly; Last Thursday Monthly
  • Does the event require registration? If so, please explain in Additional Notes and email to have a registration form and link/QR code created. (Subject to approval; If the event requires tickets to be purchased, email in addition to filling out this form.) 
    • Example:  Need a sign-up form with fields - Name, Phone, Email, Options of Tuesdays at 10 AM and Tuesdays at 7 PM as a link and/or QR code